Thesis Proposal at CES on 12 May 2021 at 3:00 pm titled "Costs and Benefits of Alternative Reproductive Tactics in the tree cricket Oecanthus henryi in different ecological contexts" by Mohammed Aamir Sadiq from IISc Bangalore
Alternative Reproductive Tactics (ARTs) refer to traits that allow individuals of a species to maximise their fitness in two or more ways. ARTs have been reported in many taxa and can manifest as discrete morphological, physiological, and behavioural differences among individuals of either sex. Various ecological contexts such as predation risk, spatial and demographic context can impact the fitness of ARTs and affect their persistence. Thus, studies on the effects of these contexts on the relative fitness of ARTS are essential, especially with respect to plastic, reversible ARTs that involve signalling. In this thesis, I will use an acoustically communicating, nocturnal species of tree cricket, Oecanthus henryi, to investigate how ecological context shapes the fitness of ARTs. Males of O. henryi can display ARTs such as calling, baffling, or acting as silent satellites to obtain copulations. Predation may affect the relative success of these ARTS by differentially affecting the mortality of males expressing these tactics. Furthermore, proximity to females may affect the relative efficacy of these tactics in attracting mates. Lastly, the interaction of demographic factors such as population density, frequency of tactic expression and sex ratio may affect the fitness outcomes of these ARTs. In this thesis, I propose to examine the effect of predation, spatial and demographic context on relative fitness benefits of different ARTs, using empirical and simulation-based approaches.