Working at CES

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CES Workplace Code of Conduct

This code of conduct applies to workplaces on the IISc campus as well as to research locations outside the campus and to online communication. It applies to all those working at CES, including short-term visitors, students, researchers, faculty, temporary and permanent staff.

CES aims to provide a workplace that is safe, supportive and favourable for healthy productivity. Those working at CES are expected to interact with others with courtesy and respect. Members are encouraged to be sensitive to the diversity in backgrounds at CES.

Acts of discrimination against an individual based on gender, religion, community, sexual orientation, disability etc. are unacceptable. CES will not tolerate any form of abuse or harassment, including verbal, physical, psychological or sexual. CES members are expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of professional integrity.

IISc has a document describing the code of conduct for students, and most of the points there are relevant to all members of the Institute. Here is the link to the document: (also check: Student Corner (on IISc website):

What to do when you have a problem

1) If you are facing a problem with another individual, it might be best to tackle it as early as possible and directly bring it up with the person.

2)If this does not resolve the problem and/or you do not feel comfortable directly speaking with the person, then, you can approach the Workplace-Wellbeing Committee. The current members are Kavita Isvaran (faculty), Kartik Shanker (faculty) (until Dec ‘23), Umesh Srinivasan (faculty) (from Jan ‘24), Manasa Kulkarni (PhD), Mihir Joshi (PhD). You can also contact the Chair of the department. Your complaint will be treated as confidential. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the committee may (a) counsel you in ways to resolve this problem, (b) offer to mediate between you and the person(s) with whom you are facing a problem, (c) take the matter to the Chair for resolution, (d) direct you to the appropriate person/committee in the Institute for resolving your problem.

3) If you do not feel comfortable with either (1) or (2), you can also directly approach higher institutional authorities. The institute has a few relevant committees:

(a) Sexual Harassment complaints. Website:
(b) There is also a broader committee called the Students Affairs Advisor and Student Counsellors.
(c) A third relevant committee relates to complaints on Caste based discrimination:
(d) Finally, one can approach the Dean of Biological Sciences or the Dean of Sciences or finally, the Director of the Institute.

Terms of Reference for the Workplace-Wellbeing Committee

Problems related to safe and efficient performance at the workplace can be brought to this committee. This includes interactions with other persons working at CES that make you feel unsafe, that threaten your physical or mental health, or that hinder your efficiency, productivity and well-being.

Useful Links:

Student Corner:
Mental Health Support at IISc:
Internal Committee Against Sexual Harassment (ICASH):
Conservationists and Ecologists Against Sexual Harassment (CEASE):

Email addresses for contact:

Kavita Isvaran (                          Kartik Shanker (
Manasa Kulkarni (                 Mihir Joshi (