Invited Seminar at CES on 16 March 2022 at 3:00 pm titled " Defensive shimmering responses in the giant honeybee Apis dorsata Apis dorsata" by Sajesh Vijayan from IISER Thiruvananthapuram
Due to the absence of physical barriers, the open-nesting giant honeybee Apis dorsata has evolved a spectacular collective defence behaviour – known as “shimmering” – against predators, which is characterised by travelling waves generated by individual bees flipping their abdomens in a coordinated and sequential manner across the bee curtain. We examined if shimmering is visually-mediated by presenting moving stimuli of varying sizes and contrasts to the background (dark or light) in bright and dim ambient light conditions. Shimmering was strongest under bright ambient light, and its strength declined in dim-light. A. dorsata shimmered only when presented with the darkest stimulus against a light background, but not when this condition was reversed (light stimulus against dark background). We suggest that this is an effective anti-predatory strategy in open-nesting A. dorsata colonies, exposed to high ambient light, as flying predators are more easily detected when they appear as dark moving objects against a bright sky. Moreover, the stimulus detection threshold (smallest visual angular size) is much smaller in this anti-predatory context (1.6° - 3.4°) than in the context of foraging (5.7°), indicating that ecological context affects visual detection threshold.