Invited Seminar at CES on 1 February 2023 at 3:00 pm titled " Recognising resilience in tropical rainforests " by Prof. Robert Ewers from Department of Life Sciences (Silwood Park), Imperial College London
One of the desirable – and arguably essential – states for a tropical rainforest ecosystem is that it is resilient to perturbations, ensuring it can continue to provide ecosystem services in the face of global change. In this seminar, I will use data from more than a decade of observations on Malaysian tropical rainforests to examine rainforest resilience. I will outline the biodiversity and carbon status of logged forests, present a suite of studies that have quantified aspects of resilience and identified the taxa that are critical to generating resilience, and examine thresholds in logging intensity at which point resilience may be lost. I will end by introducing ongoing work designed to further quantify and understand the origins of resilience in tropical rainforest ecosystems.