Thesis Defense at CES on 3 December 2024 at 11:00 am titled "What difference do differences make?: The role of trait variation in a savanna-woodland bistable system" by Tanveen Randhawa from IIsc, Bangalore

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What difference do differences make?: The role of trait variation in a savanna-woodland bistable system
Tanveen Randhawa, IIsc, Bangalore
Date & Time: 
3 Dec 2024 - 11:00am
Event Type: 
Thesis Defense
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk

Over the last decade, several studies have shown the importance of individual variation in natural populations. Theoretical ecological studies are beginning to incorporate trait variations in models, but they continue to be largely ignored in the context of ecosystems that exhibit alternative stable states. We study the role of trait variation in the context of a bistable ecological system, specifically a savanna-woodland system. In the first chapter, we begin with a mean-field model of bistable savanna-woodland system and then introduce trait variation in functional and demographic traits of savanna trees and saplings in the model. Our study reveals that higher trait variation reduces the extent of bistability in the system, such that the woodland state is favored; i.e. woodland occurs over a wider range of driver values in comparison to the grassland state. We also find that the shift from one state to another can become less or more drastic, depending on the trait which exhibits variation. Interestingly, we find that even if the overall tree and grass cover remain insensitive to different initial conditions, the steady-state population trait distribution can be sensitive to these conditions.

In the second chapter, we formulate a spatially explicit model of the savanna-woodland bistable system. Local interactions can vary with space, and can also change the stability landscape of dynamical systems. Fire events in savanna are also an important spatial process as they rely on the connectivity of fuel to spread in the system. Savannas also experience strong seasonality with a wet and dry season, fires being a prominent occurrence during the dry season. We incorporate these realistic features of fire and seasonality in our model along with two different demographic stages of savanna species. When comparing the spatial model to the mean-field approximation of the spatial model, we find that grassland state exists for a larger range of driver values, as short-range dispersal limits the spread of savanna species in the system. We find that fire leads to bistability in the system with grassland and woodlands as alternative stable states, while savanna state occurs as a transient state. We also find that irrespective of the initial flammable cover, the proportion burnt area depends on the flammable cover before the dry season, which depends on the wet season processes.

In the third chapter, we introduce trait variation in the spatial model to understand its role. We find that among all savanna species types, the fittest individual survives, while other types get eliminated from the population. The dynamics followed by the system with variation is same as the dynamics of a system with only the fittest individual.

Our findings suggest that individual variation in bistable ecological systems may have important consequences for both ecological and evolutionary dynamics and management practices.