Workshop at CES on 10 January 2020 at 10:00 am titled "Advanced Statistics Workshop 2020 (Open for selected participants only)" by Prof Nagaraja and Dr Kavita Isvaran from The Ohio State University and CES

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Advanced Statistics Workshop 2020 (Open for selected participants only)
Prof Nagaraja and Dr Kavita Isvaran, The Ohio State University and CES
Date & Time: 
10 Jan 2020 - 10:00am to 31 Jan 2020 - 10:00am
Event Type: 
CES Lotka Volterra

These workshops are intended to serve as an introduction/refresher to commonly used advanced statistical models. The workshops will consist of lectures on how the different statistical models work, accompanied by hands-on sessions in R, where we apply these models to ecological data-sets and become familiar with fitting and interpreting them.
The detailed schedule for the workshops is available here:

Topic 1: Generalised Linear Models (GLM)

10th January (Friday) 10am - 1pm: Discrete data problems - Prof Nagaraja

13th January (Monday) 10am - 1pm: GLMs with examples of binary and proportion data - Prof. Nagaraja

14th January (Tuesday) 10am - 1pm: R Session: Applying GLMs to ecological data sets - Kavita

(15th Jan 2020 is a HOLIDAY)

16th January (Thursday) 10am - 1 pm: GLMs with examples of count data - Prof. Nagaraja

17th Jan (Friday) 10am - 1pm: R Session: Applying GLMs to ecological data sets - Kavita

Topic 2: Mixed-effects Models

27th Jan (Monday): 10am - 1pm: GLM With examples of zero inflation + R session (by Prof Nagaraja)

28th Jan (Tuesday): 10am - 1pm: Linear mixed-effects models - Prof. Nagaraja

29th Jan (Wednesday): 10am - 1pm: R Session: Applying LMMs to ecological data sets - Kavita

30th Jan (Thursday): 10am - 1pm: 11th Jan 10am - 1pm: Generalised Linear Mixed-effects Models GLMMs - Prof. Nagaraja

31st Jan (Friday): 10 am - 1pm: R Session: Applying GLMMs to ecological data sets - Kavita

*Attendance only with Registration.
**Pre-requisites: Since these workshops focus on advanced statistical models, familiarity with basic statistics (statistical hypothesis testing, one and two-sample problems, simple linear regression, one-way ANOVA) and basic math and probability (functions, distributions) is expected. Since we will be working in R/RStudio, some familiarity with R & R-studio is also expected.

Speaker Bio: 
The workshops will be conducted by Prof H N Nagaraja (Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Biostatistics at Ohio State University and Visiting Professor at IISc) and Kavita Isvaran (faculty member at CES). Prof. Nagaraja has taught a number of courses from basic statistics to non-specialists to advanced level courses for graduate students. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; a fellow of the American Statistical Association; an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, and President of the International Indian Statistical Association.