Talk on 3rd March 2014: "Ecology and evolution of chemical profiles in Hymenoptera" by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt from Germany

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Dear All,

Centre for Ecological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science

presents a talk

Title: Ecology and evolution of chemical profiles in Hymenoptera
Speaker:  Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt

Evolutionary Chemical Ecology Group
Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology Biocenter
University of Würzburg, Germany

Day: 3rd March 2014
Time: 4pm
Tea/Coffee: Before the talk
Venue: CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building.
Abstract:  Insects utilize a variety of chemicals to interact with their biotic and abiotic environment. These substances can be either stored in gland reservoirs or exposed to the environment via their cuticle. It has been shown that these substances are used for multiple purposes as recognizing species, mates, prey or potential predators. They play also an important role in intraspecific communication. Although we have profound knowledge about the function of these chemical profiles, our understanding of their evolution is less clear. My research group uses different hymenopteran study systems to understand the evolution of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles as well as gland-derived sex pheromones. We conducted comparative studies combined with functional approaches to elucidate selection factors shaping complex chemical profiles and selecting for specific substances or substance classes. We investigated the evolution of these chemical profiles on a phenotypic level and I will present the results of several studies on cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. We finally succeeded to uncover the genetic architecture of a sex pheromone that plays an essential role in a diversification process.
All are cordially welcome

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