Talk on 8th Jan 2014 titled " A mechanistic framework for scaling up systems biology from individuals to ecosystems" by Dr. Samraat Pawar, Imperial College London, UK.

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Dear All,

Centre for Ecological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science

presents a talk

Title: A mechanistic framework for scaling up systems biology from
individuals to ecosystems

Speaker: Samraat Pawar
Lecturer, Division of Ecology and Evolution
Imperial College London, UK

Day: 8th Jan 2014

Time: 4pm

Tea/Coffee: 3:45pm

Venue: CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building.

Abstract: The ultimate aim of systems biology is to develop an predictive
theory that can be applied across life's hierarchy, from molecules and
cells to whole ecosystems. This difficult enterprise has been made all the
more challenging given earth's rapidly changing climate, especially in
terms of increases in mean temperatures and as well as thermal
fluctuations worldwide. I will present a bottom-up, mechanistic
theoretical and empirical framework for scaling up the effects of
environmental temperature and spatial complexity on individual organisms
to whole communities and ecosystems.

All are cordially welcome

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