Latest Events

The structure and function of the vocal repertoire of the Greater racket-tailed drongo: insights into avian vocal mimicry.
Samira Agnihotri, CES, IISc
Date & Time: 
9 Feb 2015 - 11:00am
Event Type: 
Thesis Defense
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk


Speaker Bio: 
Graduate Student Dr. Rohini Balakrishnan's lab CES
From Science to Stories
Sandhya Sekar
Date & Time: 
23 Jan 2015 - 11:00am
Event Type: 
Informal Lecture
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk


Speaker Bio: 
Chief Editor, Science Media Centre (SMC), IISc.
CTFS-data analysis
Dr. Ryan Chisholm, NUS, Singapore
Date & Time: 
10 Mar 2015 - 2:00pm
Event Type: 
CES Lotka Volterra
Before the talk

This will be hands on informal workshop/practical on analyzing CTFS (Centre for Tropical Forest Science) data. Read the paper Chisholm et al., 2014, Temporal variability of forest communities: empirical estimates of population change in 4000 tree species, Ecology Letters, before coming to the workshop.

Speaker Bio: 
Assistant Professor Department of Biological Science National University of Singapore
Understanding forest diversity and function with large data sets and mathematical models
Dr. Ryan Chisholm, NUS, Singapore
Date & Time: 
11 Mar 2015 - 4:00pm
Event Type: 
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk

Large-scale data sets and sophisticated quantitative techniques are improving our understanding of forest dynamics globally. This talk will focus on the results of two Center for Tropical Forest Science cross-site analyses addressing two key questions: (1) What drives variation in tree species diversity in time and space? and (2) How does tree species diversity relate to ecosystem function? I will then continue on the species diversity theme by giving an overview of two new theoretical models we are developing: the first seeks to explain plant species diversity on small islands; the second provides estimates of undetected species extinction rates in Singapore and across the world in recent centuries. I will conclude with a discussion of the future of quantitative ecology research in Asia.

Speaker Bio: 
Assistant Professor Department of Biological Science National University of Singapore
Sexual Selection on Elephant Tusks
Karpagam Chelliah, CES, IISc
Date & Time: 
2 Feb 2015 - 2:30pm
Event Type: 
Thesis Defense
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk

Darwin was troubled by elaborate male traits observed in many species that are seemingly maladaptive for survival, the peacock's tail being the most iconic of all. He wrote "The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick" because it challenged his theory of evolution by natural selection for adaptive traits. The extreme length of the tail may render a peacock more vulnerable to predation and therefore maladaptive for survival. He hypothesized that peahens may find the tail attractive thus enhancing male mating success. This idea led to the theory of sexual selection, wherein, traits that directly enhance mating success may be selected for, either through male-male competition for mates or through female-mate preference for elaborate male traits.

Male and female elephants in the proboscidean evolutionary radiation have had tusks and show extreme exaggeration in size and form. However, tusk in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) is sexually dimorphic as it is expressed only in the males, hinting at a possibility that opposing selection (sexual selection advantage to males and natural selection disadvantage to females) may have been the processes behind this pattern of tusk expression. Intriguingly, tuskless males (male dimorphism with respect to tusk) also occur at fairly high frequencies in some Asian elephant populations.

I hypothesized that sexual selection and artificial selection
(selective removal of tusked males from wild populations) on elephant tusks as possible mechanisms leading to the observed patterns of tusk dimorphism. I used mathematical models of population genetics, population dynamics, demography data and behavioural observations of wild Asian elephants in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, in an attempt to understand the evolution of tusk dimorphism in elephants.

Speaker Bio: 
Graduate Student, Prof. Raman Sukumar's lab CES
A community affair: the microbial ecology of marine sponges
Dr. Mike Taylor, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Date & Time: 
11 Feb 2015 - 4:00pm
Event Type: 
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk

Animals provide a diverse array of habitats for microorganisms to colonise, and virtually all animals form symbiotic relationships with one or more microbial species. One group of “host” animals that houses a particularly diverse and abundant community of bacteria and other microorganisms is the marine sponges. Microbes comprise as much as 40% of “sponge” volume and can contribute significantly to host metabolism. The remarkable diversity and host specificity of these symbionts, coupled with the presumed ancientness of the sponge-microbe association, makes sponges an important system for the study of marine host-microbe interactions. I will present my group’s research on the microbial ecology of sponges, emphasizing how recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have provided exciting new insights into how these complex associations are maintained. I will also touch upon some of our recent research into the microbiota of other host organisms, including the critically endangered New Zealand kakapo parrot and aspects of the human microbiome.

Speaker Bio: 
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand
The Population-to-Species Continuum: Implications for Taxonomy, Ecology and Evolution
Dr. Krushnamegh Kunte, NCBS
Date & Time: 
28 Jan 2015 - 4:00pm
Event Type: 
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk


Speaker Bio: 
Ramanujan Fellow and Reader F National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Saving the world’s most threatened birds
Dr Paul F. Donald
Date & Time: 
29 Jan 2015 - 11:00am
Event Type: 
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
Before the talk

Current extinction rates are far higher than natural background extinction rates, largely due to anthropogenic threats. However, our ability to recover species from the edge of extinction is also better than it ever was. Using examples from around the world, I will review the main threats facing the world’s most threatened bird species and assess the most important methods to stem the tide of extinction. I will also assess how much preventing extinction costs, and show that it is remarkably cheap.

Speaker Bio: 
Principal Conservation Scientist, RSPB Centre for Conservation Science, UK
Queen Succession in the Primitively Eusocial Wasp Ropalidia marginata.
Paromita Saha
Date & Time: 
19 Jan 2015 - 3:30pm
Event Type: 
Thesis Colloquium
CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building
After the talk

Social insects are remarkable for their efficient social organization which is achieved through a fine balance between cooperation and conflict. The cooperative social unit, a colony, is put to a crisis when the queen is lost, which is rescued only after a new queen takes over the colony. My thesis is focused on the potential reproductive conflicts associated with queen succession in the primitively social wasp *Ropalidia marginata*, and proximate behavioural mechanisms contributing towards resolution of this conflict. We started by characterizing the natural phenomenon and then went
on to experimentally induce conflict to create situations that might lead to the queen succession in these colonies. We could show that, although
there is a lack of apparent conflict over reproduction, there is underlying reproductive conflict which can be uncovered by careful
experimental manipulation, and can be resolved by the colony members. This work has provided valuable insights to understand the maintenance of
functional integrity of the colony organization in this species.

Lab visit of students from Dept. of Env.Sc Netaji Mahavidyalaya, Arambagh, Hooghly, West Bengal
Date & Time: 
17 Jan 2015 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Event Type: 
Lab visit

