Lecture & Discussion on TODAY @ 3pm on the Philosophy of Science 2: War of the Worlds by Kartik Shanker, CES, IISc.
Fri, 2013-09-20 11:59Dear All,
Centre for Ecological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
presents a lecture and discussion on
Title: Philosophy of Science 2: War of the Worlds
Speaker: Kartik Shanker,
Centre for Ecological Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science
Day: 20th Sept 2013
Time: 3pm-4:15pm.
Tea/Coffee: After the talk
Venue: CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building.
What is scientific explanation and how far can it go ? In this lecture-discussion, we will cover ‘Hempel’s covering law model of explanation’ and examine its relationship with causality. Is the search for underlying causes fundamental to science, or does it hamper true empiricism ? We will also examine reductionism in science, and its influence on biology and ecology. We will explore the essence and limits of science through the lens of L’ Affaire Sokal, a fascinating episode that brings to light the difference between scientific realism and post-modern views of the world. And so, are there differences between the physical and biological sciences, between the natural and social sciences? Or are they just irreconcilable similarities?
All are cordially welcome