Seminar on 30th Sept 2013 : "Amphibian Conservation in the New World Tropics: A Tragedy in Three Acts" by Prof. Maureen A. Donnelly, USA
Sat, 2013-09-28 20:19Dear All,
Centre for Ecological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
presents a talk
Title: Amphibian Conservation in the New World Tropics: A Tragedy in Three Acts
Speaker: Maureen A. Donnelly
Professor, Biological Sciences, Florida International University
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Arts & Sciences,
Florida International University, Florida, USA.
Day: 30th Sept 2013, Monday
Time: 11:30 am
Tea/Coffee: 11:15am
Venue: CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Sciences Building.
Abstract: Amphibians are experiencing catastrophic declines globally, and declines in the New World tropics focused the world's attention to the
problem. Approximately two-thirds of all living species are at risk of extinction because of rapidly changing conditions in the globalized world.
These ancient vertebrates are at the forefront of the "sixth extinction crisis" described by Wake and Vrendenberg. I will present information on
declines in the New World tropics because they are home to many of the enigmatic declines that focus our attention on the stressors leading to
decline and their interactions. I will also describe conservation efforts currently underway to try and reverse the threats affecting these diverse
vertebrates that serve critical roles in their ecosystems.
All are cordially welcome