Kavita Isvaran delivers the Hamilton Lecture Award at ISBE 2024 in Melbourne, Australia

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CES community is delighted that Prof Kavita Isvaran is a recipient of the Hamilton Lecture Award, International Society for Behavioural Ecology, 2024. She delivered her lecture at Melbourne, Australia in Oct 2024.

Citation of the award reads: 

"Kavita has loved watching animals for a long time, so studying animal behaviour was an obvious career choice. After earning her PhD from the University of Florida (USA), and a post-doctoral stint at the University of Cambridge (UK), she returned to her home country. Kavita and her students puzzle out the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of diversity in behaviour and life-histories in study systems that include antelope, lizards, mosquitoes, and butterflies. She also spends time thinking about quantitative methods, and how behavioural ecology can help address conservation problems."


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