"A tusk-less future for the Asian elephant": Nature India writes about the research work of PhD student Karpagam Challaih

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Sandhya Sekar writes in Nature India blog about a recent research work of PhD student Karpagam Challaiah.

Karpagam Challaiah is working with Prof. Raman Sukumar on the ecology and evolution of asian elephants. The above article in Nature India blog, titled " A tusk-less future for the Asian elephant " is about Karpagam's recently published paper in Animal Behavior.

Congratulations, Karpagam!

(1) Nature India article: A tusk-less future for the Asian elephant by Sandhya Sekar: http://www.nature.com/nindia/2013/131021/full/nindia.2013.140.html (a free sign-up required).
(2) Chelliah, K. et al. The role of tusks, musth and body size in male-male competition among Asian elephants, Elephas maximus. Anim. Behav. (2013) doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2013.09.022


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