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Research work of Manjari Jain and Rohini Balakrishnan featured in Indiabioscience

A recently published research work of Manjari Jain, a former PhD student of Prof. Rohini Balakrishnan and now a faculty at IISER Mohali, has been covered in Indiabioscience. A quote from the article:

Male crickets court their females through song. But in the wild, several species of crickets call together in a cacophonic chorus. Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science used a series of experiments that combined rigorous fieldwork and elaborate modeling to find out how the male’s song reaches its mate through the apparent din.

Read the full article, "The Chorusing Crickets of Kudremukh" written by Kartik Ramaswamy. 

REFERENCE: Jain M, Diwakar S, Bahuleyan J, Deb R & Balakrishnan R (2014) A rain forest dusk chorus: cacophony or sounds of silence. Evolutionary Ecology 28(1): 1-22

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