The Flora of Karnataka online data base will be launched on the 30th of January, at 11 am by Sri N. Sivasailam, IAS Principal Secretary Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, Govt. of Karnataka.

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Dear all,

The Flora of Karnataka online data base will be launched on the 30th of
January, at 11 am by Sri N. Sivasailam, IAS Principal Secretary Forest,
Ecology and Environment Department, Govt. of Karnataka.

The event will be presided by Prof.P.Balram. Prof. K. Sankara Rao, CES,
IISc will present the database and the vote of thanks will be presented by
Prof. R.Sukumar CES, IISc followed by Hight Tea. Please find the
invitation attached.

Venue : Faculty Hall, Main Building, IISc

All are cordially invited.

Ecological Students' society


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